June's Book of the Month: A Murder is Announced

in Miss Marple
June's Book of the Month is A Murder is Announced, promoted as Agatha Christie's 50th book and celebrated this year in its 65th anniversary.
Leave your thoughts, theories, questions and queries below.
And the ending is incredible! It's a masterpiece!
In A Murder Is Announced, the Geraldine McEwan TV adaption), the producers had Murgatrod and Hinch kiss and hold hands whereas in the book and the Joan Hickson adaptation none of this is even in there. Now critics have said that they are both lesbians and they said that it's hinted in the book that they are but how so?-- because Hinch has cropped hair like a man (as it is described in the book) and because you find the two living together? It is very possible that they are both lesbians, but if someone says that they are because they live together you have to look at the times, the era, and what occurred. Was it really that ODD to find two women living together during that time in post-war England where the country is dealing with rations and times are kind of rough? Just because two women are living together doesn't mean they are a couple, just as today when you see two women living together . . . . and you certainly can't jump to the conclusion that they are a couple. The only conclusion I can come up with as to why critics question Murgatrod and Hinch's sexuality is because Hinch looks and acts masculine and Murgatrod doesn't and they just so HAPPEN to live together.
But it is very possible, as I said earlier, that Hinch and Murgatroyd are lesbians in the book and that Agatha Christie was trying to say it without ACTUALLY saying it. You got to remember, back then, this matter was taboo whereas today it is not and it's more open and talked about so for Christie to blatantly say that both women were would not have been appropriate at that time, whereas in the Poirot book The Halloween Party the word "lesbian" is used and is the only Christie book to have that word, and you have to remember that the book was published in the 60's and times were changing and certain things were becoming more permissible and talked about in the open.
This is very interesting to discuss and I'm just laying out some points for discussion, bringing out views on both sides of the fence. I think at the end of this discussion I'll bring my opinion out in the open.One is morec observent than the other and recognises the twin, I wouldn't mind betting the other one The Gardner came to Chipping Cleghorn knowing that Miss Blacklock was there and thought she might see er long lost sibling.
(1) I love the uniqueness of the opening half of the story. You have this ad in the paper inviting those in the village to be a part of a game of murder--it's just as unique as the opening of The Body In The Library.
(2) And of course I love how the cake is called "Delicious Death", called by Patrick