What Agatha Christie book are you reading right now?

This was a really popular topic in the last forum so we thought we'd bring it back.
What AC book are you reading right now and how far are you? I'm rereading The Moving Finger. It's my favourite. I think I like it so much because I find the relationship between Jerry and his sister so believable. I've got to the bit where Joanna goes for a walk on the moors wearing the wrong kind of shoes. I love that bit!
What AC book are you reading right now and how far are you? I'm rereading The Moving Finger. It's my favourite. I think I like it so much because I find the relationship between Jerry and his sister so believable. I've got to the bit where Joanna goes for a walk on the moors wearing the wrong kind of shoes. I love that bit!
I've read all the Christie books and I'm going to reread them by "Detective" - starting with Superintendent Battle.
The Secret of Chimneys 1925 The Seven Dials Mystery 1929 Cards on the Table 1936 (with Poirot) Murder is Easy 1939 (or Easy to Kill) Towards Zero 1944 The last 3 are among her best.
Evita, I have taken on the same task as you; I am reading Agatha's books in order! It has taken me 4 years and I am maybe just passed the half way point. Granted, I have read other mysteries as well as other books along the way. I have also read all of Christie's short stories along the way. Right now I am on 'They Came to Baghdad.'
And Then There Were None. At the beginning of September http://www.audible.co.uk/ had a special offer of Christie Dramatisation plays and I purchased ATTWN. Then at the Agatha Christie Festival Literary Panel with Kate Mosse and Simon Brett on the Friday night, everyone was given a copy of the book. So this is what I am reading.
I am on a reading streak of Agatha's books and I am so happy I discovered this site of like minded people. I have not read all of her books. But, even those that I have read, I could read again because I have forgotten so much of their contents and even who the killer is. So, it's like reading them all over again. I guess it's one of the bonuses of old age!
Just picked up "Destination Unknown".
after I had seen the new Poirot episode, which by the way was marvellous. It was such an excellent idea to have Greenway used as the main location. And so exciting to see this beautiful house and its surroundings. I almost saw Agatha Christie herself walking around the place.